Monday, September 3, 2012

Chalk Ghost: eBook-Jacket Blurb

Once upon a moonless Halloween, long after the last shouts of “trick or treat” had echoed in the night, a cloaked figure emerged from the fog and walked along a dirt road that cut through a neighborhood of rundown Victorian houses. In front of the only house with a lighted window, the shadowy figure turned up the flagstone path to the front porch and climbed the steps. There the figure peered inside through a gap in the curtains that hung across a plateglass window. A border collie inside growled at the figure on the porch.

“Mauks, where ah you?” a young woman’s voice called from another room. The dog’s ears perked up. He growled again as he backed away from the window and then turned and padded out of the room.

The figure drew something from a fold in its billowy white cloak—a cellphone—then tapped in a phone number. Somewhere behind the plateglass window a muffled ringtone sounded a dozen times. The dog returned to the front room followed by a black-haired young woman who picked up a cellphone from the sofa and flipped it open but did not bother to put it to her ear.

The Chalk Ghost left a voice message on her phone that she would never hear: “Death calling.”

In October 2012, the Chalk Ghost will manifest herself in e-book and paperback format.

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